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Issue #4(14), 2021
Journal Sections:
Holovchenko I. Analysis of Indicators of Socio-Economic Growth of the National Economy in the Context of Globalization.
Safonov Yu. The Mechanism of Ensuring the National Economic Security of the State.
Gutkevych S., Slobodian N. Investment Development of Agrarian Sector in Modern Conditions of Economic Development.
Berezhna T. Features of the Formation of a Healthy Environment in Educational Institutions of Ukraine.
Safonova I. The Concept of Typologization of the Cross as a Sacramental-Laconic Idiogram.
Journal Sections:
Holovchenko I. Analysis of Indicators of Socio-Economic Growth of the National Economy in the Context of Globalization.
Safonov Yu. The Mechanism of Ensuring the National Economic Security of the State.
Gutkevych S., Slobodian N. Investment Development of Agrarian Sector in Modern Conditions of Economic Development.
Berezhna T. Features of the Formation of a Healthy Environment in Educational Institutions of Ukraine.
Safonova I. The Concept of Typologization of the Cross as a Sacramental-Laconic Idiogram.