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Issue #3(13), 2021
Journal Sections:
Shtuler I. Marketing Activity of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Development of Digital Technologies.
Galtsova O.L., Safonov Yu., Trokhymets O.I. Efficiency of Marketing Activity: Brand Development in the National Economy.
Voronkova-Nevidnycha T., Demydenko L., Zos-Kior M., Safonov Yu. Implementation of the Foresight method elements to ensure the implementation of strategic objectives for the development of the agro-food sector within the framework of the National Economic Strategy - 2030 (Ukraine).
Golovchenko O., Safonov Yu. Configuration of Ensuring the Economic Security of the National Economy in the Conditions of Globalization.
Berezhna T. Theoretical Principles of Professional Development of a teacher.
Bessarab N. Self-Education as an Important Condition of Teachers Professional Activity.
Journal Sections:
Shtuler I. Marketing Activity of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Development of Digital Technologies.
Galtsova O.L., Safonov Yu., Trokhymets O.I. Efficiency of Marketing Activity: Brand Development in the National Economy.
Voronkova-Nevidnycha T., Demydenko L., Zos-Kior M., Safonov Yu. Implementation of the Foresight method elements to ensure the implementation of strategic objectives for the development of the agro-food sector within the framework of the National Economic Strategy - 2030 (Ukraine).
Golovchenko O., Safonov Yu. Configuration of Ensuring the Economic Security of the National Economy in the Conditions of Globalization.
Berezhna T. Theoretical Principles of Professional Development of a teacher.
Bessarab N. Self-Education as an Important Condition of Teachers Professional Activity.